Once upon a time the Government went crazy and sold the land around Central Library to developers. The entrance to Central Library became an alleyway, those studying would be able to see the old lady in the opposite building and all the Central Library could do was grin and bear it....
Until one day, under immense pressure, the library exploded.
"It's TOOOO CROWDED, I'm gonna explode"
With its final breath of "Cultural Power" the Central Library decided on a kamakazi mission to take out its oppressors, the commercial industry. Its remains landed in a nearby park.In the end the Central Library's limbs became mobile libraries, servicing HK, Kowloon, NT and Lantau. Its body sold to developers for a shopping mall and underground station.
Its head became HK's first luxury Greek-style public loo.
Click to zoom - Touch Magazine issue 575
Nice to see a different style but I still like the pandas :P